Women's Herstory
Mar 18, 2024
In honor of Women's History Month, the ACPE Anti-Bias Working Group invites ACPE members to reflect on the theme, "What does Women's History Month mean to me?" ACPE Psychotherapist Tere Canzoneri shares her reflections below.
A Season of Renewal
Mar 17, 2024
Spring is in the air, and I feel a unique energy as the winter months soon become distant memories. I look forward to warmer weather, longer days of sunshine, and gathering at our annual conference!
New Community of Practice for CPE Program Directors
Mar 15, 2024
Our ACPE colleagues, who serve as CPE Program Directors at their clinical sites, are responsible for the administration and management of CPE programs. Such persons are invested with a unique and crucial responsibility in their role and in the entire clinical ministry movement. Navigating the changing environment is not easy. Facing the ever-changing clinical culture (caregiving and administrative arms). Recognizing emerging swings and themes of societal norms and movements. Revising CPE curriculum to meet changing ACPE accreditation requirements. Responding to shifting patterns and anomalies of student needs and characteristics. Continuing one’s own professional development.
A Day of Remembrance
Mar 11, 2024
On March 16 this year, it will mark the 3rd anniversary of the Atlanta Spa cold-blooded tragedy that occurred where 6 of 8 victims of Asian descent were killed. The attack had come to symbolize pattern of violence that emerged with the initial outbreak of the Covid-19 Pandemic in the United States. It continues to haunt the Asian American community today. It will take a village to heal together. Here is a ritual to nourish us to heal with courage and compassion-
Countdown to the ACPE 2024 Annual Conference
Mar 8, 2024
Greetings ACPE Community, We look forward to meeting once again for our ACPE Annual Conference in May 2024! Join us in Pittsburg as we gather for connection and learning. Following our theme of Looking In, Reaching Out, Building Together, we will examine the ways our organization and centers’ processes can be more effective in promoting justice-seeking care. We will look beyond ACPE as guest speaker Dr. Chanequa Walker-Barnes invites us to consider how we can engage with larger cultural and spiritual concerns. We will come together and discover innovative approaches employed by educators and psychotherapists in their respective fields...
I Thank Our Creator with Every Remembrance of Each of You…
Mar 4, 2024
The ACPE Curriculum Committee and our awesome staff is hard at work putting the final touches on our annual conference! This year’s conference will be held May 19-23 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. When I pause and think about last year’s conference, I get a warm feeling. Like many of you have, I have lived through some awful experiences. It is usually in the aftermath that I can see areas of growth and appreciation not previously anticipated. I have come to call these gifts collateral blessings… unanticipated good that occurs alongside or in response to pain, loss, or tragedy.
Proposed Standards Changes
Mar 1, 2024
After a review of the current standards and receiving feedback from the ACPE membership and the Anti-Bias Work Group, the Accreditation Commission is proposing the following changes to the ACPE Standards as part of our regular review process. To provide feedback on these proposed changes, please click here. The review and feedback period is open through April 12, 2024.
Doubly Conscious Reflective Practitioner
Feb 26, 2024
In honor of Black History Month, the ACPE Anti-Bias Work Group invited newly Certified Educator, Reverend Jeremiah Page, to reflect on his experience as an African-American man who has journeyed through the ACPE Certification process. It is our hope that Jeremiah's poignant reflection can provide much-needed wisdom to all of as we better understand the many identifies we reconcile in becoming the most authentic versions of ourselves. Do you have a personal reflection you wish to include in the Anti-Bias Work Group's monthly newsletter column? If so, please email it to Jasmine Okafor, ACPE Director of Development & DEI Initiatives.
Buongiorno da Roma!
Feb 16, 2024
I am pleased to be writing to you from Rome, Italy, where I have just spent a magnificent week attending the Pontifical Academy for Life conference and the inauguration of the new Center for Ethics launched by The Seminario Rabínico Latinoamericano and Isaac Abarbanel University Institute (IUIA). The conference included a special Papal Audience where I had the privilege of meeting Pope Francis and an opportunity to attend panels and workshops with distinguished speakers from all over the world. These offerings covered issues such as: The human being in the techno-scientific age; Human Originality and Responsibility; From domination to responsibility: rethinking human centrism; Body and soul, heart and conscience, mind, and will. Opening and closing remarks by Mons. Vincenzo Paglia, the President of the Pontifical Academy for Life.
Call for Poster Presentation Proposals – 2024 ACPE Annual Conference
Feb 16, 2024
The deadline to submit proposals is March 29. Poster presentations will highlight and integrate research, evidence-based practices, and innovations to inform CPE, spiritually integrated psychotherapy, and spiritual care. Posters share knowledge by providing a visual summary of a project or initiative. They present information, graphics, charts, etc. in accessible and...
Insights from a Therapist's Journey
Feb 15, 2024
I am Kim Nichols, a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist practicing at The Armstrong Center for Hope (ACFH) in Durham, North Carolina. I also work full-time as program coordinator of Learning Together, a service-learning program for health professional, graduate, and undergraduate students at Duke University. I am not a member of ACPE, but I participated in ACPE’s Level 1 Spiritually Integrated Psychotherapy training in January. I emailed my trainer some of my reflections after the training, and he invited me to shape them into an article for the ACPE newsletter.
Accreditation Updates- Outcomes and Indicators
Feb 5, 2024
I am excited to share that over 150 Certified Educators and CECs are participating in the current round of cohort implementation groups. The feedback from so many is that these are helpful and supportive opportunities to engage with colleagues and that the time together is valuable. Thank you to all our colleagues who stepped up to facilitate these groups! Related to the Outcomes and Indicators, I am pleased to share that, based on feedback we received expressing this need, we have numbered the Revised Outcomes and Indicators in the accreditation manual so that they will be easier to reference.
Moving Forward…Together
Feb 5, 2024
The last two years serving as Chair-elect of the ACPE Board gave me a view of the association that I had previously not experienced. I have always respected the commitment that our members make to keep ACPE running by volunteering their time, talents, and treasures.
For Your Professional Ethics Edification
Feb 2, 2024
This month’s article is to update you on changes to the Professional Ethics Manual. These changes were recommended by the Professional Ethics Commission (PEC) to the ACPE Board of Directors and received their approval. Additionally, the board approved changes to The Policy to Ensure the Wellness and Fitness of Educators. You are encouraged to use the links to review the changes on the ACPE websites and read through them below. TOPIC "Why we sign the Accountability for Ethical Conduct Policy Report Form every year” For January, Julie Hanada, ACPE Certified Educator, Seattle, WA writes:
Staff Transitions
Jan 29, 2024
ACPE is bidding farewell to two cherished members of our team. ACPE Director of Finance Jennifer Rochner’s last day was Friday, January 26th, and Rachel Starmer, our Psychotherapy Coordinator, will end her contract with us at the end of January.
Call for ACPE Service Award Nominations
Jan 29, 2024
Can you think of a colleague who has provided distinguished service throughout their career? Which one of your colleagues has demonstrated innovative leadership? Who do you think deserves special recognition?
New Funding Opportunities Available to Advance ACPE Justice, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Accessibility!
Jan 29, 2024
The 2024 ACPE Foundation Grants Cycle is now open! The ACPE Foundation is excited to announce our expanded grants program to support initiatives that advance justice, diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility within ACPE. Through the generosity of our donors and prudent management over the years, the ACPE Foundation endowment has grown so that we now have significantly more funds available to support strategic priority areas for ACPE. This is our second year offering this grants initiative. This year, we will grant up to $210,000 to support projects that align with ACPE’s commitment to be an anti-racist organization, and that advance ACPE’s leadership as the gold standard in spiritual care & education.
Standards Review Process
Jan 26, 2024
As part of the process of recognition by the US Department of Education, ACPE has committed to review its procedures and accreditation criteria every 5 years. This includes a review of the Standards. For more information about the review process, click here to view the Accreditation Manual. Below is the timeline for the review of ACPE’s Standards. Please note that any proposed revisions will be made available for public comment during the specified time frame. To provide initial feedback to the Accreditation Commission, please click here to complete an online form.
Jan 22, 2024
As I consider the work of the Foundation over the past year, I find myself grateful for the ways the Foundation has become even more intentional about how we are using the resources provided by our generous donors. From socially responsible investing to financial support for summer CPE students, our funding initiatives and investments align with our values.
For Your Professional Ethics Edification
Jan 8, 2024
The ACPE Professional Ethics Commission (PEC) purpose includes education for our members about ethics issues and processes. Each month we post a commissioner’s reflection* on ethics concerns, including our ethics process. TOPIC "Why we sign the Accountability for Ethical Conduct Policy Report Form every year” For January, Julie Hanada, ACPE Certified Educator, Seattle, WA writes: