Summer Giving Challenge
Jul 29, 2024
Hello ACPE Members and Friends, I hope you are enjoying your summer so far. Whether its travel, family reunions, or hunkering down for work with students or clients, may your summer be full of everything you need. In my recent time away from work, I’ve been reminded of the importance of community and collaboration. I am grateful for our community of donors. Your donations make the Foundation for ACPE work. In last month’s newsletter, we shared the 2024 Grant recipients. I’d like to congratulate again our grant recipients:
ACPE Now Accepting Applications for Volunteer Leaders
Jul 29, 2024
Friends Want to get more involved in ACPE? Looking for Leadership Development Opportunities? As part of my role as Chair-Elect of the Board, I also serve as Chair of the Leadership Development Committee. And we are officially in that season--when we begin planning for who will help to lead our association in the year(s) ahead. The application process has now opened for you to self-nominate to serve in a leadership capacity within the ACPE.
Prairie Precarity
Jul 18, 2024
In October of 2023, while driving in my hospice territory, I found myself on an unfamiliar stretch of rural North Dakota road. Suddenly, like a strange oasis in the desert, a dilapidated structure appeared to the southeast of me. My eyes fell on the building’s crumbling bell tower, and I knew instantly the structure had been a church. Looking at it, I couldn’t even begin to imagine when a congregation had last gathered there for worship or study; I certainly hoped it had been like an oasis, offering spiritual nourishment for thirsty souls on the often-harsh prairie. That October day, I didn’t have much time for daydreaming or exploration, but I did pull over to snap a picture on my phone.
Considering the Liberating Effects of Contemplative Care
Jul 18, 2024
In a world which is becoming increasingly smaller, spiritual care demands attention to a global population. July is minority mental health month. It is, therefore, a time set aside to emphasize the unique needs of those whose challenges do not fit mainstream paradigms. My twenty- year experience of providing spiritual care to a primarily minority population has motivated me to research and verify the peculiar contexts, concepts and concerns effective for individuals with unemancipated ancestors. The work engaged in these efforts has generated a contemplative approach. This strategy is applied as a means to facilitate internal liberation for individuals restrained by ancestral histories of enslavement.
BIPOC Mental Health Awareness Month and ACPE Psychotherapy
Jul 15, 2024
In 2008, the US House of Representatives announced July as Bebe Moore Campbell National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month (also known as BIPOC Mental Health Awareness Month). While growing up, Campbell was one of my mom’s favorite authors and a regular feature in her book club. I often waited patiently for her to finish reading a new book by the New York Times bestselling author before I quickly absorbed it into my own little library. Campbell’s first four novels, “Singing in the Comeback Choir,” “Brothers and Sisters,” “Your Blues Ain’t Like Mine,” and “What You Owe Me,” held me captive for days even after I finished them. Equally as captivating, however, was Bebe herself. She was beautiful and a staunch advocate for mental health due to her support for a family member.
Here To Serve
Jul 1, 2024
“Each of you should use whatever gift[s] you have received to serve others…” (1Peter 4:10) A week after our annual conference concluded, I attended the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship 2024 General Assembly. While giving his annual report and several other times during the week, Executive Coordinator Dr. Paul Baxley reminded us that CBF exists to serve. The idea of service is not a new concept to me. In my faith tradition, Scripture teaches that we should rather serve others than be served. There was not a time that he spoke that I did not think of my role in ACPE. I have just completed the sixth month as the Chair of the Board… and it has been a busy six months! I am here to serve.
ACPE Foundation Announces 2024 Justice, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Accessibility Grants
Jun 24, 2024
At their May 2024 board meeting, the ACPE Foundation proudly unveiled the recipients of its 2024 grants aimed at advancing justice, diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility within the ACPE community. These grants mark a significant investment in transformative projects, made possible by the generosity of our dedicated donors. "This year's grants exemplify our commitment to fostering a more inclusive and equitable ACPE environment," said Brooks Heard, Board Chair of the ACPE Foundation. "We are thrilled to support initiatives that will enhance spiritual care education, research, and practitioner diversity across our network."
Jun 17, 2024
Greetings ACPE, I am truly delighted to share my first editorial with you as the Executive Director/CEO of this beloved and remarkable organization. In just over two months’ time, I have met so many of you, either virtually or in person, during our wonderful conference in Pittsburgh[LG1] , and time and time again, I have been deeply moved by the passion and devotion you each express for ACPE and the impactful work done in its name. As I have mentioned before, both CPE and therapy helped to heal and change my life for the better. I simply would not be the woman I am today if not for either. For this great work alone, I count it a tremendous blessing and honor to serve ACPE and the Foundation in this esteemed capacity.
Imperfect but Impactful
Jun 2, 2024
I’ve been to the mountaintop, and I’m so grateful! When I arrived at my office at Princeton Baptist Medical Center almost 13 years ago, I stood at the window and vocalized my thank you to as many people as I could think of and acknowledged the Spirits of those whose names I don’t know… shoulders I stood on, stand on. I am aware that their sacrifices and courage have paved the way for me to serve as ACPE Chair of the Board of Directors. Last week, at the Chair Banquet, I experienced a great cloud of witnesses leaning over heaven’s balcony cheering me on. At the front, my son, Jeffery shouting “do your thang Momma!” and my daughter, Gabrielle in her sweet voice saying: “I’m so proud of you Mommy!” The memory of my colleagues standing, clapping and cheering for me is etched in my heart and mind.
Spotlight on New ACPE Anti-Bias Working Group Members: Leaders Committed to Diversity and Inclusion
May 19, 2024
The ACPE Anti-Bias Working Group recently welcomed three new members who each bring passion, creativity and commitment to our vision of championing the anti-bias orientation and practices that are essential to cultivating spiritual health and wellbeing.
May 6, 2024
I have always enjoyed reading books with wide margins. Recently, Lynnett and I attended the annual conference of the Canadian Association of Spiritual Care (CASC). As I have reflected upon the theme: “Making Space for Meaning,” the idea of margins has come to mind. At the opening of each day, there was an acknowledgment that the land on which we were gathered was the occupied/seized territory of Indigenous people. Additionally, we were led into a space of worship by native people and invited to participate in activities that helped us to connect with and appreciate all that the Creator has given.
Giving Back
Apr 27, 2024
One of the opportunities to support ACPE students offered by the Foundation for ACPE is the Hemenway Scholars Program, named after Joan Hemenway, to honor her contributions to ACPE, spiritual care and education theory and research, as well as countless students and care recipients. As many CPE summer internships do not provide stipends, we offer this scholarship to summer interns to help offset educational debt, housing costs, living expenses, etc. This is one of the many ways, as donors, you give back.
Environmental Chaplaincy: The Call is Still Open
Apr 13, 2024
In 2008, Rev. Judith Cowles published an essay titled “At the Bedside of Mother Earth: A Call to Eco-chaplaincy” (Cowles, 2008). In 2015, Rabbi Katie Allen wrote “A Call for a New Kind of Chaplain,” urging chaplains practicing in conventional settings to consider becoming eco-chaplains, nature chaplains, earth chaplains, or creation chaplains (Allen, 2015). In 2024, the call is still open.
Celebrate AAPI Month and AANHPI Mental Health Day: Looking Beyond the Covid-19 Pandemic
Apr 7, 2024
Rev. Anton Boisen is known as the father of the clinical pastoral education movement. He was one of the first chaplains in a psychiatric hospital - Worcester State Hospital in 1925. Boisen’s legacy comes out of his life story as one who suffered mental illness. In 1920, six policemen took him to Boston Psychopathic Hospital. Years later, Boisen was to observe that being plunged as a patient into a hospital for the insane may be a tragedy or it may be an opportunity.
A Time For Everything
Apr 1, 2024
I never need a calendar to tell me that spring is near, my runny eyes and sinus pain, let me know. Although I experience significant discomfort, I look forward to spring every year. Watching stems and leafless bark that appear to be dead transition to blooming flowers and budding trees full of color and life restores my hope and refreshes my soul. I look forward to spring with anticipation and excitement.
Healing from Racism and Oppression Conference: South Africa & the Latinx Experience
Mar 31, 2024
April 26, 2024 8:30-2:30pm (Central) Hybrid offering: Online and In-Person at Perkins School of Theology, Dallas, TX (Free online for CPE students; $10 online otherwise; $30 in person registration) The ACPE International Relations Committee is one of the sponsors for this upcoming Healing from Racism and Oppression Conference taking place at Perkins School of Theology and offered online on Friday, April 26th from 8:30-2:30pm (Central). One of the two speakers is Fr. Michael Lapsley, Director for the Institute for Healing of Memories in Cape Town, S. Africa, and he was a plenary speaker at the International Congress for Pastoral Care and Counseling in S. Africa in July 2023. Four ACPE educators were present at the congress and we all were deeply moved and inspired by him and thought at the time how much we’d love for the rest of ACPE to hear him, too. We are so pleased that he has agreed to come to Dallas and be a part of this incredible conference along with Sandy Ovalle, Director of Campaigns and Mobilizing for Sojourners in Washington, D.C. Both of these folks are incredible social justice leaders in our world today. We hope you will attend and bring your CPE students.
ACPE Welcomes New Executive Director!
Mar 27, 2024
At a meeting of the ACPE Board of Directors on March 18th, 2024, Lynnett Glass was unanimously elected to serve as the Executive Director of the ACPE starting April 3rd.
Women's Herstory
Mar 22, 2024
In honor of Women's History Month, the ACPE Anti-Bias Working Group invite ACPE members to reflect on the theme, "what does Women's History Month mean to me?" newly minted Certified Educator, Lauri Swann, shares her reflections below. If you would like to share your reflections on this month's theme, or other topics, please send it to Jasmine Okafor for inclusion in upcoming ACPE newsletters.
Every Gift Counts, Every Contribution Makes an Impact!
Mar 22, 2024
Spring is always an exciting time for the Foundation for ACPE. Many of you have responded to the call for grant proposals and service award nominations. As sub-committees of the Foundation Board review these applications, we continue to be moved by the amazing work done by Psychotherapists, Certified Educators and Certified Educator Candidates. The creative and innovative ideas shared through the grant proposals continue to advance the mission and values of ACPE. The tireless service we provide touches people around the world in untold ways. Thank you to everyone who has had a hand in submitting a proposal or nominating a colleague. I’d like to announce that have recently welcomed several new Board Directors to the Foundation.