A gift in your will is one way you can secure your estate and create an impactful legacy with ACPE. A gift in your will has many advantages:


  • Simplicity:  Just a few sentences in your will.
  • Flexibility:  You can change your mind at any time.
  • Versatility:  You can give a specific amount, item or a percentage of your estate.
  • Tax Benefits: Your estate may be entitled to an unlimited estate tax charitable deduction for gifts to qualified organizations like ACPE.


Naming ACPE as a beneficiary of one of the assets below by simply filling out a form, is another way you can create an impactful legacy with ACPE. 


  • Retirement plan assets: By giving retirement plan assets to ACPE, your loved ones may actually keep more of your hard-earned savings.
  • Life insurance policies: Make a large gift at a lower cost.
  • Bank or investment accounts: Depending on the state in which you live, you can easily make a gift with a TOD or POD account.


To name ACPE as a beneficiary, contact your retirement plan administrator, insurance company, bank or financial institution for a change-of-beneficiary form. Be sure to notify us of your gift so that we can thank you!

Contact Jasmine T. Okafor, ACPE Foundation Director & Chief DEI Officer, at (678) 636-6211 or  jasmine.okafor@acpe.edu to discuss, at no obligation, how you can include ACPE in your estate plans.