
The mission of the ACPE Foundation is to secure funding that supports the mission and promotes innovative developments of the Association for Clinical Pastoral Education, Inc (ACPE). The foundation is responsible for development of financial resources, management of the endowment and safeguarding of ACPE assets.
Call for ACPE Service Award Nominations
Jan 29, 2024
Can you think of a colleague who has provided distinguished service throughout their career? Which one of your colleagues has demonstrated innovative leadership? Who do you think deserves special recognition?
New Funding Opportunities Available to Advance ACPE Justice, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Accessibility!
Jan 29, 2024
The 2024 ACPE Foundation Grants Cycle is now open! The ACPE Foundation is excited to announce our expanded grants program to support initiatives that advance justice, diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility within ACPE. Through the generosity of our donors and prudent management over the years, the ACPE Foundation endowment has grown so that we now have significantly more funds available to support strategic priority areas for ACPE. This is our second year offering this grants initiative. This year, we will grant up to $210,000 to support projects that align with ACPE’s commitment to be an anti-racist organization, and that advance ACPE’s leadership as the gold standard in spiritual care & education.
Jan 22, 2024
As I consider the work of the Foundation over the past year, I find myself grateful for the ways the Foundation has become even more intentional about how we are using the resources provided by our generous donors. From socially responsible investing to financial support for summer CPE students, our funding initiatives and investments align with our values.
Your Gifts At Work
Oct 30, 2023
This year we invested in the future of CPE through the Hemenway Scholars fund, support for summer students to help offset the cost of housing and educational debt. Fifteen students received $2,000 of support while they completed a summer unit. While we may never realize the full impact of our gifts, below are a few quotes from Hemenway Scholar recipients (identified and quoted with their consent).