Make plans now to join the 3rd annual CEC Pre-Conference Event!
We invite you to register for the ACPE Annual Conference and plan to arrive on Sunday morning for a special pre-conference event designed for Certified Educator Candidates. Last year, over 70 CECs joined us for this flagship event and had the opportunity to network with each other and others in ACPE during the conference.
A full schedule for the days is in progress and will be posted here when complete.
There is no cost to attend the CEC Pre-Conference Event, and travel/conference subsidies are available to those who are currently in the Certification Process and in good standing in their program. To apply for a subsidy, complete this form: https://form.jotform.com/250156678643161 before January 31, 2025. Subsidy amounts will depend on the total number of persons requesting assistance.
Questions? Contact Sheilah Hawk at sheilah.hawk@acpe.edu