

  • Kevin looking at camera and smiling
    What is CPE?

    Dec 18, 2020

    CPE, Clinical Pastoral Education, . . . so the literature says, is professional education for ministry. It is the clinical component of graduate theological education. CPE provides the participant the opportunity to operationalize her/his/their personal and academic theological development in the art and science of ministry, sometimes for the first time. That makes CPE sound like on-the-job training. It is so much more.

  • Brooks looking at camera and smiling
    Thank you from the Annual Campaign

    Dec 17, 2020

    In the midst of a global pandemic and reckoning for social and racial injustice, ACPE members and friends have still demonstrated incredible generosity.

  • Places of Light

    Dec 17, 2020

    Do you remember two weeks ago? It was the day before the election. Does it feel like a lifetime ago? How many lifetimes have we lived during the pandemic? And what does our future hold?

  • paper icon with pencil icon on top of the paper
    ACPE Invoices Notification

    Dec 11, 2020

    We have fixed the issues regarding the annual dues billing in our new database. Around 7:00pm eastern on Tuesday, December 15, 2020, you should have received an email from ACPE with the subject “Billing Notice” which includes links to pay your 2021 membership dues. For your convenience, we added an “Express Payment” hyperlink.

  • 57995_242798
    Trauma, Resilience, and Teams

    Dec 9, 2020

    In recent weeks, I have been particularly moved by first-hand accounts of the bone-deep weariness faced by medical providers and allied health professionals caring for those with COVID. Of course, this also includes many of you, who navigate all of the challenges of caring for patients and families impacted by COVID, in addition to providing support and care to colleagues and staff. These days are so full of trauma, and so many in our midst are living it up close and personally.

  • covid-19
    Exploring the Impact of COVID-19 on the Delivery of ACPE Spiritual Care Education

    Dec 4, 2020

    The COVID-19 pandemic has had a tremendous impact on the landscape and delivery of healthcare and theological education. While the impact of COVID has been addressed in multiple editorial and peer reviewed publications, no systematic study has been conducted on how accredited programs of clinical pastoral education have responded and adjusted to the pandemic.

  • Marty looking at camera
    “The Best Thing I’ve Done in 30 Years as a Counselor and Center Director”: Reflections from a SIP Training

    Dec 4, 2020

    I am Executive Director of Tidewater Pastoral Counseling Services, which serves the cities of Virginia Beach, Norfolk, Chesapeake, Portsmouth, and Suffolk, Virginia. I came here 15 years, to work as Associate Executive Director with our Founding Director, Rev. Dr. Bill Hedrick. I stepped into the Executive Director role 10 years ago. I’ve been a Licensed Professional Counselor since 1990, working 15 years in the community mental health system, and I am an ordained minister in the Christian Church Disciples of Christ.

  • a lake is surrounded by pine trees and there are mountains behind the trees
    For your professional ethics edification in December

    Dec 3, 2020

    For December, instead of commenting on our ethics standards, we share some resources for learning about professional ethics.

  • Melissa smiling at camera
    A Year that Defies Imagination

    Dec 3, 2020

    Here we are, nearing the end of a year that defies imagination. We continue to live in and through a global health crisis that includes lives lost and livelihood lost for many, many more. We’ve figuratively and literally stood with our friends, family members, and colleagues as we have all waged a war against the coronavirus. We are fatigued by the struggle, the losses, the changes in our lives. Many of us are grieving. We are changed. We will continue to change as individuals and as an association.

  • Joann looking at camera smiling
    News from the Psychotherapy Commission

    Nov 30, 2020

    It’s hard to believe we’re coming to the end of 2020. Last Thanksgiving, who could have imagined what this year would bring, or how much the world would be changed by circumstance and human choice? This year, we struggle with a pandemic that consumes our thinking and constrains our activity. We have been appalled by violence against African-Americans and continuing aggression against immigrants arriving on our shores. If you are like me, you worry about the political uncertainty we have faced this year. While we have elected a new president, we still encounter the ups and downs of a contentious transition.

  • Brooks looking at camera and smiling
    Help ACPE Raise $10,000 on Giving Tuesday

    Nov 20, 2020

    It seems like a decade ago since I assumed the role of 2020 annual campaign chair. The emotional stress, physical setbacks, social/political unrest and spiritual demands bought about in 2020 has made this year go down in history as unprecedented. Indeed, our lives have changed forever.

  • Certification: Congratulations to the Newly Certified!

    Nov 15, 2020

    We want to extend a warm congratulations to the ACPE Certified Associate Educators and Certified Educators who passed their virtual sub-committee meetings.

  • ACPE 2020 Leadership Election Results

    Nov 15, 2020

    Thank you to all the members who participated in the 2020 ACPE Election! 740 (40.6%) of 1821 electors voted in this ballot. The election results have been reviewed by ACPE Chair-Elect/Leadership Development Chair Shawn Mai and ACPE Secretary/Treasurer Linda Wilkerson.

  • It is the Light in Us

    Nov 13, 2020

    Do you remember two weeks ago? It was the day before the election. Does it feel like a lifetime ago? How many lifetimes have we lived during the pandemic? And what does our future hold?

  • Four people looking at camera smiling
    Next ACPE SIP Trainer Training in February

    Nov 11, 2020

    ACPE’s Spiritually Integrated Psychotherapy (SIP) Program will offer its second SIP Trainer Training February 19-20, 2021 (Friday-Saturday), via Zoom. Read on for more information.

  • 57995_242798
    Embracing the Mystery

    Nov 6, 2020

    Over the last month, I have leaned into uncertainty with a joyous diversion: a mystery knit along. My grandmother taught me to knit as a child, and over the years it has brought lots of extraordinary gifts into my life: good fiber friends, opportunities for challenge and learning, a sense of satisfaction that comes from working with my hands, and grounding in the physical world as a counterweight to professional life in the spiritual.

  • Melissa smiling at camera
    The World is Constantly Changing and so must ACPE

    Nov 2, 2020

    I hope that many of you have already exercised your right to vote and cast your ballot as you saw fit. For those who may have, for whatever reason, postponed or been hesitant to vote, I hope you will discover or summon greater resolution and go out tomorrow and let your choices be known. The ACPE staff have been extended the opportunity to vote during the workday at no loss of pay. To further support them and the communities in which they live, some of the staff have received paid time off to be poll workers. They are committed to their communities and their state.

  • a lake is surrounded by pine trees and there are mountains behind the trees
    For your professional ethics edification in November

    Nov 2, 2020

    6. In conducting business matters, ACPE members: c. Distinguish private opinions from those of ACPE, their faith group or profession in all publicity, public announcements, or publications. d. Accurately describe the ACPE center, pastoral services, and educational programs. All statements in advertising, catalogs, publications, recruiting, and academic calendars shall be accurate at the time of publication. Publications advertising a center’s programs shall include the type(s) and level(s) of education offered and the ACPE address, telephone number and website address.

  • Four people looking at camera smiling
    Your Gifts at Work

    Oct 23, 2020

    With the help of a $15,000 grant from the Foundation for ACPE’s Mission Advance Program (MAP) Fund, ACPE’s new Spiritually Integrated Psychotherapy (SIP) Program has launched with a great start.

  • 62013_658847
    From the Executive Director's Desk

    Oct 16, 2020

    We talked a lot about the incredible agility of our ACPE Certified Educators and students, their willingness to adapt decades of practice to the incredible constraints and safety measures of the COVID-19 pandemic. We have seen programs actually grow because of the addition of new online/hybrid options. We’ve seen new placement opportunities open up as restrictions have limited onsite experiential education in the virus’ hot spots. We’ve seen remarkable perseverance and resilience, all of which is to be commended.