

  • 8:46 Labs

    Apr 22, 2021

    Inhale... On April 20, 2021, the United States of America and the world waited with bated breath. The decision had arrived. Derek Chauvin, the Minneapolis police officer whose knee extinguished the life of George Floyd, would hear what the jury decided. After minutes that felt like hours, the judge read the counts and decision aloud… Guilty... Guilty... Guilty... Guilty on all counts.

  • Amidst the Exhaustion, our Association Carries On

    Apr 14, 2021

    Amidst the exhaustion we hear from many members from managing the pandemics that have plagued our world, nation, and communities, I thought it might be helpful to update the membership on some activities of our staff as we have worked to keep our association running, even from our home offices. I shared many of these items with the Board of Directors when they met on April 12.

  • This is a time like no other

    Apr 13, 2021

    In preparation for the 2021 ACPE Annual Conference Creating Room to Breathe, ACPE has identified themes from the Anti-Bias survey of ACPE members. In the following weeks, ACPE will be publishing the themes that emerged from the Anti-Bias survey results.

  • Key Theme #5 part 2: We are shaped by our history; shaping our future differently will require intentional changes in our present practice

    Apr 9, 2021

    In preparation for the 2021 ACPE Annual Conference Creating Room to Breathe, ACPE has identified themes from the Anti-Bias survey of ACPE members. In the following weeks, ACPE will be publishing the themes that emerged from the Anti-Bias survey results.

  • 57995_242798

    Apr 9, 2021

    In his new book, After Whiteness, an Education in Belonging, Willie Jennings envisions the work of formation at the center of theological education as primarily a practice of belonging. Jennings knows theological education; he is a professor of systematic theology and Africana studies at Yale Divinity School, and the former dean of Duke Divinity School. In this book he brings together fragments – of poems and dreams, of stories from the academy, of theological scholarship across centuries – and demonstrates in real time how the fragments are the fertile ground of belonging, and the place of possibility. It is a beautiful and challenging book.

  • Melissa smiling at camera
    The Divine is here – The Divine’s in us

    Apr 5, 2021

    This season is special in that within the span of 18 days, Jews, Christians, and Muslims are all celebrating Holy days. I hope your Holy Days are just what you need to continue the good work you do.

  • Key Theme #5 We are shaped by our history; shaping our future differently will require intentional changes in our present practice

    Apr 2, 2021

    In preparation for the 2021 ACPE Annual Conference Creating Room to Breathe, ACPE has identified themes from the Anti-Bias survey of ACPE members. In the following weeks, ACPE will be publishing the themes that emerged from the Anti-Bias survey results.

  • a lake is surrounded by pine trees and there are mountains behind the trees
    For your professional ethics edification in April

    Apr 1, 2021

    Once a month the ACPE Professional Ethics Commission (PEC) posts a couple of statements from our Code of Professional Ethics for ACPE Members.

  • Imani looking at camera smiling
    ACPE Theory Paper of the Year Award

    Mar 29, 2021

    Writing theory papers is the articulation and application of theory to the primary task of CPE—educating spiritual care givers who provide quality spiritual care. The Theory Papers of the Year Award showcases papers that demonstrate quality writing focusing on how a Candidate is facilitating learning for quality spiritual care giving. These theory papers demonstrate for us how we integrate all parts of ourselves as we serve in this most sacred of ministries: attending to the suffering and well-being of our fellow humans and educating our students to do that as well.

  • Joann looking at camera smiling
    Psychotherapy Commission Accomplishments and Strategic Planning Efforts

    Mar 29, 2021

    While some of our colleagues, especially in the south, are suffering from the effects of wild weather, here in the New York City metropolitan area, I’m heartened to see and feel hints of Spring – crocuses popping up from the ground, more hours of sunlight, warmer days. As a Christian, I give thanks for the observances of Holy Week and Easter. Blessings to all who celebrate religious feasts in April -- may you, your families, and your religious communities be filled with joy!

  • PT Wilson looking at camera wearing glasses
    A Time to Recharge

    Mar 26, 2021

    All of us need a certain amount of energy in order to remain healthy and functional. That amount varies person to person, yet all of us follow the same pattern. At about fifty percent capacity we feel “normal”, ready to take on the world, ready to fulfill all of our responsibilities, ready to enjoy the people we have around us and our family and friends. Above sixty percent and we feel on top of the world, ready to accept new challenges, ready to go explore life and to have new experiences. Below forty percent and we begin to function less well, we begin to discount ourselves and/or others, we begin to grasp for things that we think will keep us from losing even more energy, like a person near drowning reaching for a life preserver of any kind. Below twenty-five percent and we go into depression and/or high anxiety. And so forth.

  • Crossroads Antiracism Organizing and Training works with ACPE

    Mar 24, 2021

    “Surprisingly transformational.” This is how one ACPE certified educator, Trina Williams-Johnson, described her recent ‘Anti-Bias’/’Anti-Racism’ training with Crossroads’ Antiracism and Organizing Training Group, one of the lead speakers of this years’ ACPE annual conference.

  • six felt strings coming together into a braid
    ACPE/APC Merger Vote

    Mar 22, 2021

    After decades of collaboration and a few years of negotiations, the Boards of Directors of the ACPE: The Standard for Spiritual Care and Education and the Association of Professional Chaplains met concurrently on March 18, 2021 at 10:00am EDT/9:00am CDT to entertain a motion that the organizations officially merge. Both organizations approved the motion.

  • Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling logo with two hands interweaving fingers
    The Journal of Pastoral Care Publications commemorating its Seventy-Fifth Anniversary

    Mar 22, 2021

    Since 1947, JPCP has been publishing The Journal of Pastoral Care and Counseling (JPC&C) as well as a variety of books that enlighten and educate pastors, chaplains, and counselors. For 75 years JPCP has provided members of our supporting organizations, and the public, research-based and reflective articles. This year, in celebration of our Diamond Jubilee, JPCP is offering special opportunities to our readership and the public.

  • ACPE logo The Standard for Spiritual Care and Education
    ACPE Condemns Incidents of Violence and Hate against Asian Americans, Pacific Islanders, and Individuals of Asian Descent

    Mar 22, 2021

    During this past year, our nation has witnessed a dramatic increase in incidents of violence and hate against Asian Americans, Pacific Islanders, and individuals of Asian descent. ACPE is horrified by these trends and calls upon us all to fight back against racism and xenophobia.

  • Rod looking at camera
    Reading and Reflecting on White Body Supremacy

    Mar 19, 2021

    I’ve been reading a book that was written in 2017 AND when I began reading it was the FIRST time I had ever heard the concept the author was describing. When I first read it, I said to myself, “YES!”

  • Dagmar looking at camera
    The Foundation for ACPE wants to hear from you!

    Mar 19, 2021

    Promoting innovation is a core function of the Foundation for ACPE. We keep our eyes on the future of the profession of spiritual care providers, educators, and spiritually integrated psychotherapists. Recent trends show that the degree with which ACPE Educators will retire in the next 10 years is not matched by newly certified ACPE educators entering the job market.

  • Key Theme #4 from the Anti-Bias Survey of ACPE Members

    Mar 18, 2021

    In preparation for the 2021 ACPE Annual Conference Creating Room to Breathe, ACPE has identified themes from the Anti-Bias survey of ACPE members. In the following weeks, ACPE will be publishing the themes that emerged from the Anti-Bias survey results.

  • There is beauty in this community waiting to be born

    Mar 11, 2021

    If you love jazz, you probably know the name of pianist Keith Jarrett. You probably don’t know the name Vera Bandes. In 1974, Vera was working part-time as a promoter in her home, Köln (Cologne), Germany. She booked Keith Jarrett for a concert on January 24, 1975 – quite a coup for someone so young. But the booking was just about the only thing going Vera’s way.

  • Key Theme #3 from the Anti-Bias Survey of ACPE Members

    Mar 10, 2021

    In preparation for the 2021 ACPE Annual Conference Creating Room to Breathe, ACPE has identified themes from the Anti-Bias survey of ACPE members. In the following weeks, ACPE will be publishing the themes that emerged from the Anti-Bias survey results.